The Praying Mantis Bride (Nameless Book 3) by Dean Koontz

The Praying Mantis Bride - Dean Koontz

I received a complimentary Kindle copy of The Praying Mantis Bride (Nameless Book 3) by Dean Koontz in an Amazon promotion in exchange for a fair review.


Valjean Jones described: "Gathered in the armchair in the cat-littered living room of her corroded and immobile mobile home, she is wasted into a bony form that suggests some species of spider that, instead of building webs, spins misery that sustains her in place of food."


I gave this book five stars because I found it fascinating. It is an ongoing story about "Nameless". It follows Photographing the Dad (Nameless Book 3)and continues with Red Rain (Nameless Book 4). I look forward to reading the rest of the six books that are in this series.


The "Nameless" protagonist is a mysterious character and it's intriguing to discover his further character development.


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