This Body Won't Break: Part 1 (The O-Negative Series) by Lea McKee
This Body Won't Break: Part 1 (The O-Negative Series) by Lea McKee is a poignant story about an orphan, Joanna who is almost turning eighteen and ready to leave Zone Three. I gave it four stars because it was easy to read and kept my attention.
"The clock above my door has traded in its hands for knives. They cut and slice, shatter the minutes and seconds from existence. Countless days have led me to this point, this day."
She and the others who have turned eighteen have been transported to a new location.
"The entire roof is glass, the pieces angled, allowing the remnants of sunset to soak the room in a glow of fragmented amber light. Like being underwater if the water was on fire."
I received a Kindle copy in an Amazon promotion. That did not change my opinion for this review.
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