An Inuit Folk Tale, Fish-Boy As told by Vanita Oelschlager

An Inuit Folk Tale, Fish-Boy As told by Vanita Oelschlager with art by Mike Blanc is a charming children's story written for grades one to four. It also covers multi-cultural information. I gave it four stars.
"Soon we will go to the two island the white trader calls 'Diomedes.' They lie between our land and the big land where the fathers of our fathers' fathers' fathers came from."
I received a complimentary copy from Vanita Books and NetGalley. That did not change my opinion for this review.
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Fish-Boy-Inuit-Folk-Mike-Blanc/dp/1938164210
This book is in pre-order status until May 1, 2018 so I could not leave a review on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.