Duck and Friends, The Dinosaur Bones by Donna McFarland

Duck and Friends, The Dinosaur Bones by Donna McFarland & Illustrated by Kim Sponaugle is a fun to read book. It is written for children ages four to eight. I gave it five stars. My favorite little boy asked me to read it again & again.
Duck called his friends Hen & Cat to help him dig for bones. They found some in a town named Fossil. They took a ride in a blimp because the bones were too big to fit into Duck's truck.
He put together the bones & they were as big as the barn. He showed them to his other friends & the cows ran away & hid in a walnut tree. The illustrations, while in black & white are cleverly done.
Since the cows were afraid he had to take apart the T-Rex & built a dinosaur museum. Hen, Cat, Mouse, Bear & Dragon all helped build it. When painting, a chicken fell into a bucket of green paint. They washed her off but her feathers came off too. The alpacas knitted her a sweater to keep her warm. Then more chickens fell when Dragon sneezed. They also got knitted sweaters.
I received a complimentary copy from Spencer Meadow Press & Amazon. That did not change my opinion for this review.
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Duck-Friends-Donna-Gielow-McFarland-ebook/dp/B00ASOUUU8