What Hurts the Most (7th Street Crew Book 1) by Willow Rose

What Hurts the Most: An engrossing, heart-stopping thriller (7th Street Crew Book 1) - Willow Rose

What Hurts the Most (7th Street Crew Book 1) by Willow Rose in a mystery with lots of twists & turns. I gave it five stars.

“After five years of working there, you simply stop being baffled. However, I am actually baffled at this moment. But not because of the view. Because of what is being said. ‘So, you’re firing me, is that it?’ I asked, while my blood is boiling in my veins. What the hell is this? ‘Letting you go, yes.’


“I look at my dad. It is scary how much we look alike. I see it every time I look in the mirror. Every day, I am reminded of where I have come from, even though I try so hard to forget.”


“I think long & hard for a comeback, but unfortunately I have never been fast at those things. I can always come up with something a few days later, something real clever & witty, but never in the moment. I often wonder if people will think it weird if I call them a few weeks later & give them the line.”


I purchased this on sale & was glad to start with Book 1. I look forward to reading the next two books of the series, You Can Run & You Can’t Hide.


Link to purchase: http://www.amazon.com/What-Hurts-Most-Street-Crew-ebook/dp/B018A097LO