Executive Lunch by Maria E. Scneider
I received a free kindle copy of Executive Lunch by Maria E. Schneider in a goodreads promotion in exchange for a fair review.
In an attack, Sedona describes the Bull-man: "His eyes were devoid of anything but mean."
Her brother, Sean drove her home from the office after the attack.She was cut & bruised & had a black eye. She was so sore she missed work a couple of days. Her friend Suzy came to visit.
"You can't blame Dr. Stanley one bit. You ripped part of his beard out, Suzy. He has to shave now because the spot never grew back. What did you expect him to do, forget the incident?"
"She sniffed & fluffed her frizzy ginger curls. 'He fired me as a patient & refused to be my doctor...When he recommended Dr. Evans, he could have just left the beard incident out of the history. Besides, I told Dr. Stanley I was ready for the epidural. He should have listened to me.'
"She shrugged & grinned back at me. 'Maybe not. You better get some more rest. You look like you were in a room full of pregnant women who didn't get their epidurals."
Going undercover into a restaurant Sedona realized. "Granted, I couldn’t see under the table, but there were roaches waiting to crawl up my leg. Women can feel roaches from blocks away, and I knew they were there."
Sedona is helping Marilyn, a victim of spousal abuse. She's giving her a cleaning & shopping for groceries job.
She tells her: "I can't fix your problems, Marilyn. If you want some kind of help, ask me for it. Maybe someday you'll clean enough houses you can make your own future."
"Her eyes shut down again. The future wasn't a place she visited often." Sedona needed to find Marilyn's address to make sure she was safe from her abusive spouse. "I knew stereotyping was a dangerous assumption. A lot of well to do men beat their wives. Income was not a big differentiator with bullies."
I gave it five stars. It kept me guessing from start to finish.Link to purchase: http://www.amazon.com/Executive-Lunch-Sedona-OHala-Mystery-ebook/dp/B002WC99NI/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1430272288&sr=1-1&keywords=Executive+Lunch+by+Maria+E.+Schneider