White Lady by Jessica Bell

White Lady - Jessica Bell

I received a free kindle copy of White Lady by Jessica Bell in a goodreads promotion in exchange for fair review. It was an intriguing book. I gave it five stars.


Written from multiple points of view: Mia, daughter of Celeste & Nash, who are separated. Nash & Sonia are both teachers & 'special' friends.  Mick is Sonia's & Ibrahim's son. Ibrahim is a hardened criminal. They too, are separated.


Sonia listens to Mick's stereo through the wall. "Stereo full blast. Magic Dirt: 'I Was Cruel.' It's the only song I ever hear anymore."


Sonia is out having a drink with Nash. She's had three double bourbons. "It has been a long time since I felt the effects of alcohol, and it is absolutely splendid. I can still hold it down pretty well. Remarkable really. Even more remarkable that I think it is something to be proud of. But I am."


I have to say my sympathies lay with Mia & Mick. They were the broken innocents in this tragic story. There is violence but all of it carried the story line forward.


Link to purchase: http://www.amazon.com/White-Lady-Jessica-Bell-ebook/dp/B00MRKYH28/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1430079208&sr=1-1&keywords=White+Lady+Jessica+Bell

Source: http://www.facebook.com/notes/injoyful-book-reviews/white-lady-by-jessica-bell/1576075382674548