The Unity Tree: A Whimsical Muse on Cosmic Consciousness

The Unity Tree: A Whimsical Muse on Cosmic Consciousness - Jennifer Sodini The Unity Tree: A Whimsical Muse on Cosmic Consciousness by Jennifer Sodini.

While this is classified as a childen's book, the message contained is appropriate for all ages. It's as if Dr. Seuss woke to a cosmic epiphany. I LOVED it & highly recommend it to everyone in touch with their inner child.

I'll only share two quotes: "We can imagine how to create and be creative on a beach in a cosmic sky. No grain of sand is merely just sandy; with imagination at hand the sand can become whatever you fancy."

I was entranced by Richie Brown's colorful images. The little green Buddha lying on top of the tree especially appealed to me. The first Ganesh image levitating & towards the end of the book, peeping around the down-turned page made me smile out loud.

Last shared quote: "Friends come in all colors, all cultures, all creeds, and even if someone seems different, remember The Unity Tree."

Visit The Unity Tree & bring back some of its knowledge with you into your life. I hope you will find it as charming as I did.