A Cup of Cozy

A Cup of Cozy - Linda Kozar, Traci Tyne Hilton, Deborah Malone, S. Dionne Moore, C.L. Ragsdale, Nancy Jill Thames I received a free kindle copy of A Cup of Cozy by authors: Linda P. Kozar, S. Dionne Moore & C.L. Ragsdale, published by Linda Kozar from Smashwords in exchange for a fair review. I gave it four stars.

A Cup of Christmas Tea by Linda P. Kozar-Sugar‘n Spice and Everything Nice Cookie Recipe. After learning that Riley, Hattie's grandmother had lost her first husband & the diamond from her ring:" "Ophelia shook her head. 'Hattie went on to tell me that Riley wanted to move on. Didn’t want to mention the past.'

Nancy nodded. 'You know how people of that generation are. People didn’t wallow in memories or look back much. They put on a brave face and carried on.”

"Grandma Riley lifted Ophelia’s chin with her hand. 'Honey, God didn’t call us to live in fear. He calls us to live in faith.' The truth took a moment to
sink in, but this time she listened with her heart. Tears began to stream down her face."

Hardy's Christmas Triumph The Latisha Barnhart Mystery Files by S. Dionne Moore-Tinsel Toffee Recipe.

The town of Maple Gap had an auction at Christmas time to support the Library. Nick Endyme had donated some of his flea market finds. Then a
valuble painting is stolen. Can it be found before the auction?

The Toffee Recipe sounds delicious.

The Christmas Candy Mystery by C.L. Ragsdale-Buttermilk Fudge Recipe. A fun tale of sisters learning their mother's secret Buttermilk Fudge recipe.

Link to purchase: http://www.amazon.com/Cup-Cozy-Linda-P-Kozar-ebook/dp/B00GN2WPD4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1422220481&sr=1-1&keywords=a+cup+of+cozy&pebp=1422220492840&peasin=B00GN2WPD4