Calisthenics: Becoming a Greek God: Shredded Through Calisthenics and Street Workout by Andrew Creager

Calisthenics: Becoming A Greek God - Shredded Through Calisthenics And Street Workout (Bodyweight Training, Street Workout, Calisthenics) - Andrew Creager

I received a free kindle copy of Becoming a Greek God: Shredded Through Calisthenics and Street Workout by Andrew Creager in an Amazon promotion.

I gave this book four stars. He gives information to aid in success in exercising as well as improving your health. Something that impressed me was he strongly suggested getting a physical first & following your doctor's advice.

Another point of interest was focusing on the physical & mental benefits of exercise. It can help anxiety, depression & other mental illnesses. In addition you can lose weight, get in shape & have a healthier lifestyle.

If a person is new to working out, using weights is not necessary. Body weight alone is sufficient in the beginning.

Nutrition is an important part of becoming healthy when working out. Staying appropriately hydrated is important as well. Wait at least three hours after eating to work out.

Remember to stretch. After stretching, warm up. Also cool down by gentle stretching again.

Different body parts worked out on six days. Take one day to rest & heal.

This book is a comprensive primer on how to get fit & healthy.